Breast aesthetics are performed for reasons such as congenital disproportion to the body, deformities due to reasons such as breastfeeding after birth, overgrowth of the breast in men, loss of the breast due to various reasons.

Why is it preferred?

Breast aesthetics can be performed for various reasons. While a small breast in proportion to the body creates a situation in which the individual may be uncomfortable and feel unhappy, a large breast may visually disturb the person; it may cause inability to be free in choosing clothes and excessive sweating. In addition, it also has negative health effects. It can cause extreme back and neck pain. It may also be preferred because of the lack of equality in one’s breasts. Genetic factors, hormones, excessive weight loss in a short period of time, breastfeeding can cause breast engorgement. As a result of breast sagging, a person may want to opt for breast aesthetics. Thus, they have more erect breasts. In men, breast enlargement caused by malnutrition and irregular increase in estrogen and testosterone hormones can cause discomfort. This procedure can also be applied for this. Finally, breast reconstruction may be preferred after losing one or both breasts for various reasons.

What are the types?

Doğumsal olarak, yaşlanmaya bağlı, memede eşitsizlik olması, hızlı bir şekilde kilo vermeye dayalı olarak veya meme kanserinden sonra memenin küçülmesi veya alınması üzerine meme büyütme ameliyatı yapılabilir. Meme büyütme operasyonunda doktor hastaya uygun şekil ve büyüklükte implant kullanımına karar verir. Genellikle koltuk altı ve göğüs altından yapılan kesilerden bu implantlar yerleştirilir.
Doğumsal olarak, kilo almaya bağlı veya çeşitli tümörler sonucu büyük memeye sahip olmak kişiyi rahatsız edebilir. Ayrca büyük meme sırt, bel ve boyun ağrısına neden olabilir. Bununla birlikte duruş problemleri ortaya çıkabilir. Büyük memenin oluşturduğu başka bir problem ise kadınlarda omuz bölgesinde çökme oluşması ve göğüs aralarında oluşan pişik enfeksiyon ve alerji oluşumudur. Meme küçültme operasyonu meme dokusundaki fazla yağ dokusu ve meme dokusu çıkartılır ve meme yeniden şekillendirilir.
Yaşla beraber veya kilo alıp vermeye bağlı meme elastikliğini kaybetmesi, emzirme sonrası deformasyon oluşması, büyük memeye sahip olmak memenin sarkmasına sebebiyet verir. Bu durumda meme dikleştirme işlemi yapılmaktadır. Hasta ayakta muayene edilir meme ucunun çevresinden meme kıvrımına dikey bir kesi atılarak ölçüm yapılır ve meme altına protez yerleştirilir.
Erkeklerde aşırı meme büyümesidir. Hormonal nedenler, aşırı kilo gibi durumlardan dolayı olabilir. Liposuction yöntemiyle tedavi edilir.

Who should not apply?

It is not suitable for women who are breastfeeding after childbirth. This surgery should not be recommended for individuals in the process of weight gain or loss.

Breast plastic surgery and breast cancer

Breast aesthetics can be applied in case of loss of one or both breasts as a result of breast cancer. In some cases, it is performed to correct deformations even if there is no breast loss.


As with any surgery, this breast aesthetic surgery also has risks. Various complications can occur. Pain and edema may be observed in the breast area. There is a possibility of numbness in the nipple and looking in a different direction. It can damage the milk ducts.

After breast aesthetics

In order to shorten the healing process, smoking and alcohol should be avoided, heavy work should be avoided and nutrition should be planned. In addition, being at the ideal weight and maintaining this weight ensures that the successful appearance after breast aesthetics continues for a long time. The operation time varies between 2-3 hours and the patient can be discharged between 3-5 days after breast aesthetics. A few weeks after this procedure, bruising, swelling and pain may be observed. After the breast aesthetic operation, the scars are permanent, but as time passes, this scar begins to decrease. If you feel warmth in the chest, have a fever or notice a rash, a surgical infection may have occurred. In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately. After the first week of surgery, the drains that may have been placed during the operation to prevent fluid accumulation in the body are removed. Stitches are removed in 7-10 days.