Ear aesthetic surgery is performed due to various congenital or acquired deformities. Ear aesthetics can be performed as a result of congenital complete or partial absence of the ear, congenital earlobe defect, extra cartilage protrusions around the ear, tearing of the holes in the earlobe, small ear appearance, shrinkage of the ear like crumpled paper, enlargement and elongation of the earlobes due to wearing heavy and large earrings, pointed ears, partial or total loss of the ear as a result of an accident. The most common ear aesthetics is otoplasty, also known as prominent ear.
Otoplasty (prominent ear) aesthetics
We see the formation of prominent ears because the angle between the ear and the head is wide or the ear folds are not sufficiently formed. These problems are divided into degrees. The whole, 2/3 or 1/3 of the ear may be prominent. Prominent ear formation does not necessarily occur in both ears. It can also occur in only one ear. The ear completes 90% of its development by the age of 6. After this age, prominent ear surgery can be performed at any time.
How is prominent ear aesthetics performed?
Prominent ear surgery is performed under general anesthesia in children under the age of 10-12 and under local anesthesia in older people. If the operation is performed in both ears, it takes 1-1.5 hours on average.
Ear aesthetics usually starts with the removal of a spindle-shaped piece of skin from behind the auricle. Mark the seams to be stitched to create folds. The cartilage is filed and curled in the appropriate areas. The angle between the ear and the head is narrowed with stitches between the base of the ear and the skull bone membrane. The ear canopy is shaped with sutures placed in the previously planned areas. In some ear structures, it is observed that after the auricle is curved, the earlobe is expected to rotate backwards with the pulling of the auricle, but it does not rotate, and even more prominently, it remains facing forward. In such cases, a special technique is used to remove tissue from behind the earlobe and the earlobe is curved back. The skin behind the ear is repaired with aesthetic sutures and the ear surgery is completed. Patients can be discharged that day if they have received local anesthesia.
What are the risks of prominent ear surgery?
Otoplasty is a low-risk surgery. The most common problem we will encounter in a short time is hematoma formation and infection during surgery.
The question of whether scars remain after prominent ear surgery is one of the frequently asked questions. After this surgery, small scars appear on the back of the prominent ear. These marks are not so obvious that they can be seen from behind. These scars become less and less visible over time up to 12 months, but they do not disappear completely.
After surgery
There is no severe pain after auricular surgery. If pain occurs, painkillers used in daily life can be preferred.
After auricular surgery, the patient should wear a not too tight band that will cover all of the ears for 3 weeks. The use of this band also reduces the edema that may occur after the operation.
Hair dryers and blow dryers should be avoided for a while.
You can shower and wash 3 days after the operation.