Abdominoplasty is performed on both sexes. It is performed to eliminate complications such as excess skin, excess fat and sagging in the abdomen. It is performed to remove deformations, sagging, loosening and stretch marks in women due to childbirth, especially after two births. In men, it may occur due to excessive weight gain. In cases where diet and sports are not enough, this method is often used to remove the loose abdominal skin in the abdomen, remove excess fat in the body and achieve a flat appearance.

Abdominoplasty can be performed in 2 different ways. When this operation was planned The degree of sagging skin, the elasticity of the abdominal skin and the laxity of the abdominal wall muscles are taken into consideration.

Karın bölgesinde ciddi derecede sarkma ve gevşeklik varsa bu yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Karın duvarındaki yağ miktarının fazla olduğu durumlarda kullanılmaktdır. Genellikle hızlı kilo alıp veren kişilerde ve ikiden fazla doğum yapan kadınlarda tercih edilir. Bu ameliyat yapılmadan öne bel ve karın bölgesine liposuction uygulanarak vücuda şekil verilmesi kolaylaştırılır.
Karın bölgesindeki sarkıklık, çatlak veya gevşeklik ileri düzeyde değilse bu yöntem kullanılır. Bu işlem sadece göbek deliği altındaki bölgede oluşan komplikasyonların giderilmesini içermektedir. Bu işleme ek olarak liposuction da uygulanabilir.

Complications after tummy tuck surgery

These complications can include infection and bleeding. To prevent complications, no sudden movements should be made and the medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.

Duration of Surgery

The duration of tummy tuck aesthetic surgery is affected by the area of the abdominal region, the amount of excess skin in the abdominal region, the suture technique to be applied, whether fat will be removed from this area, and the abdominal muscles. Total abdominoplasty, i.e. full tummy tuck surgery, takes 3.5-4 hours depending on the abdominal volume. Mini tummy tuck surgery lasts between 1.5-2 hours.

Recovery after tummy tuck surgery

After the tummy tuck operation, the patient can be discharged after 1-2 days depending on his/her condition. The patient should use the special corset given after surgery for 1 month. This corset can give the abdomen its intended shape. The patient can start walking with the help of someone 4 hours after the surgery, but after 1 day the patient can start walking slowly on his/her own. Since the stitches do not fully fuse in the first 1 week, severe sneezing, coughing, straining may cause the stitches to break, while in non-severe cases, the individual may feel pain. After 2-3 days, the patient can return to routine life and take a shower. Depending on his/her job, he/she can return to work after a week, unless he/she is working in a job that requires him/her to carry heavy loads. In mini tummy tuck surgery, this process progresses faster and the patient can return to work life after 3-4 days.

Pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery

Abdominoplasty is not a process that negatively affects pregnancy. For the individual who wants to have this operation after birth, it should be performed 1 year later. In this 1-year period, the individual can lose weight with diet and sports, and the deformations in the abdomen become more prominent.